
Nutrition is a simple and yet profound way how you can take care of your own health and happiness every single day 365 days a year.

The food you eat is the way to communicate and interact with your body. In this way every food choice you make becomes an opportunity to create your own health and happiness.Nutrition and eating becomes an art and you an artist where with every meal you get to sculpt and shape your body composition and the life you always dreamed of.

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Happiness is an active state of being. Therefore, being active is an essential part of it.

There are countless benefits of exercising and being active. And it doesn't matter what type of physical activity you prefer: outdoor activities like walking, hiking or cycling, or joining fitness classes, having personal training sessions, or practicing yoga. What matters the most, is your full presence and joy of doing it.
It's only through the BEING you can experience and feel alive.

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Mindset is where all transformations happen.

In order to succeed you need to know how to set your mind for success.

No matter if your goal is to be fitter, healthier, learn to love yourself and others, get more productive or more focused, become calmer or more active.

Learning and practicing to be in the right mindset for your goals is the key that will unlock doors to all your dreams.

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  • Health

    Health is the main and most essential building block of successful life. It's when You have it you also get to feel happiness, joy, freedom of movement that you were meant to have right from the start as your birth.

  • Happiness

    Happiness has unique quality to increase when shared with others. Joy, friendship, and love are all shared activities, when open, self-loving heart is essential requirement to engage with others. You might argue, what's all this talk about Self-love?! Personally, I see self-love as the way how to feel whole and connected with others.

  • Well-being

    A person is more than the sum of one's separate body parts. Person holds many layers of oneself: a physical body, a mind, a personality, and a soul. Each layer has many layers within it. However, the most important message is that all of these components are significant for one's wellbeing. From my own healing experience and from my clients' I've witnessed that engaging on all layers as holistic approach gives more sustainable results and fulfilment.

  • Lifestyle & Habits

    Your body is temporary. I know this one is hard to swallow. Humans have been fighting this fact for centuries. Fortunately for you and me, the “expiration date” is very much depending on your lifestyle and habits. Over the time I've gathered practices and recipes that will help you to nurture your body with essential nutrients and physical activity. I'm here to guide you through lifestyle changes for healthier and happier living.


My schedule is very busy and stressful. At work I've to make many important decisions staying energetic and inspiring for my co-workers. This task is not an easy one. And it takes a toll from well-being of my body and mind. My problems were: restless night sleep, tiredness in the morning, irregular meals, and dehydration. I was feeling tired. I could see it in the mirror, my skin pale and hair dad no shine.
Nora gave me quick and easy tricks to implement in my daily routine. I feel much better now. Nora's communication is very pleasant and her guidance is easy to follow. Small changes were easy to implement and deliver results. I love the fact that all of the lifestyle changes were allowing me to keep focusing on my carrier and family life.

Liene Dreimane from Latvia
E-Commerce Manager

Nora has this wonderful easygoing attitude in coaching - it feels like having a 'healthy' chat with an old friend. She is enthusiastic about what she does and that inspired also me to be conscience about my lifestyle, especially how I treat my body. She always sends me some interesting online articles or wise health tricks, that keeps me aware of better lifestyle. With her encouragement I was able to figure out the best smoothie recipes and now I can not imagine my mornings without an experiments with freshly energised smoothy. Thank you - Little miss Sunshine!

Aiva Roga from Denmark
Artist and Event Designer

Nora is an excellent professional and an inspiring wellbeing coach. Her energy and dedication to improve lives of people are the fundamental pillars of her work. I have been working with Nora for the last year. And the set goals I had for myself, are now evident and at my reach. Her ability to communicate the benefits and at the same time successfully implement them, is one of the reasons I will keep Nora as my coach. For Nora, each individual is unique, thus the activities she prepares are tailored to tackle each person’s challenges.

Adonis Michael from Cyprus
Public Relations

I've the pleasure of knowing Nora almost a decade now. Since then my life has changed considerably. Nora has been my wellbeing coach inspiring me to be a healthier and happier version of myself. I use to have severe problems with my skin and digestive tract. No matter what I was trying, nothing really helped. Nora had the patience and passion to guide me step by step on the path to a healthy eating and living. To be honest, I wouldn’t be the healthy person I am today if not for her. It was a slow process taking baby steps to make the lifestyle change. The process of discovering new alternatives to the oversaturated industry of chemical cosmetics and food inspired me into creating new recipes. I was also able to help my partner make better and healthier choices. Thank you Nora doesn't suffice to the gratitude I feel for changing our lives.

Ioana Dabija from England
Busy working mum

They said

Thomas Dekker

Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.


Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

The wish for healing has always been half of health.

Denzel Washington

I made a commitment to completely cut out drinking and anything that might hamper me from getting my mind and body together. And the floodgates of goodness have opened upon me - spiritually and financially.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Water, air, and cleanness are the chief articles in my pharmacy.

Leigh Hunt

The groundwork of all happiness is health.

Contact Me

I would love to hear whatever you have got for me. Just drop it like it's hot right in the message box 😉
